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faint[feint]adj. 1 虚弱的,衰弱的:His strength grew faint.他的体力渐渐衰退了. 2 懦怯的;(行动等)软弱无力的;不热心的 3 微弱的;不明显的,不清楚的:a faint glow微弱的亮光The sounds grew fainter.声音渐渐微弱.a faint hope一线希望bear a faint resemblance to与…有一点点相像I haven't the faintest idea of what you mean.我一点也不懂你的意思. 4 行将昏倒的;眩晕的:She looks faint.看来她像要晕倒了.be faint with hunger (from lack of air)饿得(因缺乏新鲜空气)晕过去 5 压抑的,令人窒息的:the faint atmosphere of a tropical port热带港口的闷热空气 n.昏厥:go off in a faint昏过去fall into a dead faint昏倒 vi. 1 昏厥,晕倒:faint at the sight of blood见到血晕了过去 2 变得没有气力 3 变得微弱;变得不鲜明:The aroma soon fainted.香气很快就消失了. |