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词汇 work
释义 work[wɜ:k]n. 1 工作;劳动;(要做的)事情;作业:be hard at work正在努力工作He has done a good day's work.他已干了整整一天的活.go to work上班They stop work at five.他们5点钟下班(或放工).I have a lot of work to do this evening.今晚我有许多事要做. 2 职业;业务:be in regular work有固定工作look for work找工作,找职业 3 [常作works]行为;行动;作用;效果;功:the bloody work of the aggressors侵略者的血腥行为The medicine has begun to do its work.药物已开始起作用了.convert heat into work变热为功mechanical work机械功 4 [常作works,有时作a work]著作;作品:the works of Karl Marx卡尔·马克思的著作works of literature and art文艺作品a new work on acupuncture一本关于针刺疗法的新书 5 工作地点;办公处 6 工作成果,产品;工艺品;活计;针线活;刺绣活:This book is the work of many hands.这本书是许多人的劳动成果.fine porcelain work in many styles各种各样的精美瓷器What a beautiful piece of work!多美的一件工艺品啊! 7 [works](建筑等)工程;(防御)工事;[works][用作单或复]工厂:public works公共建筑工程,市政工程defensive work(s)防御工事a cement works水泥厂an iron and steel works钢铁厂 8 (正在加工的)工件,工作物;[works]活动机件:Bring your work downstairs.把你的活儿(或课本等)带到楼下来.There's something wrong with the works.机件有毛病了.clean the works of a clock擦洗钟的机件 9 工作方式;工作效率;工作质量;做工;<>工艺 10 (发酵产生的)泡沫 11 [works]善行,德行 12 [works]相关的所有事物
(worked或wrought)vi. 1 工作;劳动,干活;做(at):work hard for a better life为了更好的生活努力工作work in the interests of the people为人民的利益服务work at a difficult problem in mathematics做一道数学难题 2 从事职业:work as a bus driver当公共汽车司机 3 (机器、器官等)运转,活动:The machine works smoothly.机器运转正常.My brain doesn't seem to be working well today.我的脑筋今天好像不大灵活. 4 起作用,有效;产生影响;行得通:The medicine worked.药物奏效了.The appeal worked powerfully upon him.呼吁对他起了强烈作用.work like a charm产生奇效A utopian plan just won't work.空想的计划是行不通的. 5 (缓慢而费力地行进);艰难地进行;(船)顶风航行;(由于运动、使用等)逐渐变得,渐渐处于特定状态:We worked south through the forest.我们费力地通过森林向南前进.The root worked down between the stones.树根在石缝间钻下去.The knot worked loose.结头松掉了.The screw has worked out of the joint.螺钉从接合处脱出来了. 6 抽动,牵动;激动;翻腾:His face worked with emotion.他激动得面部抽搐.Thoughts are working within me.我心潮澎湃.Waves worked to and fro.波浪翻腾. 7 做细活;做针线;绣花 8 发酵:The yeast began to work.酵母开始发酵. 9 被加工,被做成形:This wood works easily.这木料很容易加工.This putty works easily.这油灰很好揉. 10 (机件等)松动,松脱
vt. 1 使工作;使干活:work oneself too much操劳过度 2 使运转,开动;使用,操作:work a machine开机器work an abacus打算盘 3 经营,管理;控制;在(某部门或地区)从事工作(或活动):work a farm办农场This mine is no longer being worked.这矿现在已不开采了. 4 [过去式和过去分词常用wrought]影响;说服;劝诱:work sb. to one's own way of thinking说服某人使他和自己想法一样 5 使缓慢行进;使逐渐变得;使渐渐处于特定状态:He patiently worked the stone slab into position.他耐心地把那块石板放好.Vibration has worked the screw loose.震动使螺钉松脱了. 6 缓慢而费力地取得;靠打工挣钱取得:work one's way through a crowd挤过人群work one's way through college靠打工来读完大学work one's passage to Europe用做工挣得旅费的办法到达欧洲 7 [过去式和过去分词常用wrought]造成,产生,引起;激起:work wonders(或miracles)创造奇迹So the frost wrought no havoc with the crop.这么说,严霜并没有损害庄稼.work the audience into enthusiasm使听众情绪热烈起来work oneself into a rage动怒 8 把…做成形,加工;编织,缝制;绣制,雕刻(肖像);切削,铸造,锤炼(金属):a vase cunningly wrought制作精巧的花瓶work a pattern on linen在亚麻布上绣花样work a sweater织毛线衫 9(面团);搅(黄油);使(面团等)发酵 10 <主美>计算;算出:work (out) a mathematical problem算出一道数学题work calculations in one's head心算 11 <>利用;哄骗:work one's connections利用私人关系 12 耕种:work the fields耕种田地




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