释义 |
penetrate['penitreit]vt. 1 穿过,穿透;刺入;透过:The bullet did not penetrate his chest.子弹没有穿透他的胸部.The rays of the sun penetrated the mists.阳光透过迷雾. 2 打入,进入:penetrate overseas markets打入海外市场 3 看穿,看透;识破:penetrate the mystery of the atom揭开原子的谜penetrate the phenomena of things to study their essence透过事物的现象研究其本质penetrate sb.'s mind识破某人的心思 4 洞察,了解 5 渗透入;弥漫于;扩散于:A smell of gunpowder penetrated the woods.森林中弥漫着火药味. 6 (思想、感情等)深入于,打动:be penetrated with postmodern ideas深受后现代主义思想的影响 7 (性交时)把阴茎插入…的阴道 vi. 1 穿入;刺入;透过:The arrow penetrated through the target.箭射穿靶子. 2 看穿,看透;识破 3 渗透;弥漫;扩散 4 深入人心,打动人心 5 伸延;进入 6 被了解 |