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rise[raiz](rose ,risen)vi. 1 (直)起身;起立;起床:"Rise,Sir Winston,"the king said."平身,温斯顿爵士,"国王说.rise with the sun(或lark)早起 2 (马前蹄)腾起:The horse rose on its hind legs.马用后腿站起.The horse rose to a fence.马遇栅栏扬蹄跃起. 3 升起,上升:The sun rises.太阳升起.The barometer is rising.气压计(的水银柱)在升高.As the curtain rises,the stage is empty.幕启时,台上空无一人. 4 (声音、嗓音)提高,变响;发出:His voice rose in excitement.他激动得声音响起来了.Laughter rose from the crowd.人群中发出大笑声. 5 (感情)激烈,激动;欢腾:His anger rose at the remark.听到那话他怒火升起.The house rose to the dancers.全场向舞蹈家们欢呼鼓掌.Terrors rose up with him.阵阵恐惧向他袭来. 6 上涨;增长,增强:The river (price) rose.河水(价格)上涨.The demand (funds) rose sharply.需求(资金)急剧增长.Our confidence rises.我们的信心增强.The wind is rising.起风了.His colour (spirits) rose.他气色(情绪)好起来了. 7 高耸,高出;高起,隆起:rise above the clouds耸入云霄rise above the ordinary level超出一般水平rise out of the sea拔海而出The tower rises 80 feet.这塔高80英尺.The ground rises gradually.地势渐渐高起. 8 (面团)发酵;(水疱、肿块)长出:The bread won't rise.这面包发不起来.Blisters rise on my heel.我脚跟起泡了. 9 起义;起来反抗(up):rise (up) in arms武装起义rise against oppression起来反抗压迫rise in one's strength坚强地起来反抗 10 反胃,作呕;反感:My stomach rises at it.我一看见这东西就恶心. 11 地位升高;升迁:rise in the world飞黄腾达rise in sb.'s estimation(或opinion)受某人看重 12 浮起;浮现,现出:Bubbles rose.水泡浮起来了.The fish were rising.鱼浮上水面来.An idea rises before(或in) the mind.一个想法浮现心头.land rising ahead of the ship船前方出现的陆地 13 直起,竖起;挺起:The hairs on his neck rose in fear.他吓得毛骨悚然. 14 发生,产生;发源;起因:New troubles rose to afflict her.新添的麻烦使她苦恼.Rumours rose in the city.市内谣言四起.The river rises in the mountains.河发源于群山中.The quarrel rose from a mere trifle.争吵由小事引起. 15 (餐毕、事毕等)起身离去;散会;休会;休庭:rise from (the) table(餐毕)起身离席The assembly will rise next Friday.大会将在星期五闭幕. 16 死而复生,复活 17 起而应付(to):rise to an emergency (a crisis)起而应付紧急事件(危机) vt. 1 (打猎时)使(鸟)飞起;诱(鱼)浮上水面 2 【海】驶近发现(地平线上的事物) 3 <方>抬高(价格) 4 <古>登上(山顶) n. 1 升起,上升:at rise of sun(或day)日出之时a vertical rise垂直上升At rise:Mrs Wood is knitting.幕启:伍德太太在编结. 2 上涨;增长:a rise in temperature温度的升高a rise(=<美>raise) in wages工资的增加marked rises in the number of livestock牲畜头数的显著增长 3 山顶;高地,岗;坡;垂直高度;(楼梯的)级高;(拱的)矢高;(屋顶的)净高;(裤子的)直裆 4 (地位、权力、价值、音调等的)升高;兴起:a rise in social position社会地位的提高a rise in life(或the world)飞黄腾达the rise to power上台;得势the rise and fall of a country一国的兴亡 5 出现;再生,复活:the rise of terroristic activities恐怖主义活动的抬头the rise and spread of Nazism纳粹主义的出现和发展 6 (鱼吞饵时的)游上水面:There is not a sign of a rise.毫无(鱼儿)游起吞饵的迹象. 7 起源;发生:The river has(或takes) its rise among(或in,from) the mountain.这条河发源于这座山. |