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词汇 tumble
释义 tumble['tʌmbl]vi. 1 摔倒,跌倒;被绊倒;坠落,滚下:tumble off a bicycle从自行车上摔下来tumble over a stone在石头上绊一交tumble in(或into) a stream跌入小河Her black long hair tumbles down between the shoulders.她乌黑的长发泻落在肩后. 2 倒坍;坍塌:The hut tumbled down in the storm.小屋在暴风雨中倒塌. 3 (证券价格等)暴跌;(权力、地位等)急遽下降;倾覆:The stock market tumbled.股市暴跌.The government tumbled.政府垮台了. 4 翻滚,打滚:The sick man tossed and tumbled in his bed.那病人在床上翻来覆去.Thoughts were tumbling about in her mind.各种思想在她脑海里翻腾. 5 翻筋斗;作翻筋斗表演 6 跌跌撞撞地走;仓促行动;纷乱地出来:tumble down (up) the stairs跌跌撞撞地下(上)He came tumbling along.他莽莽撞撞地走来.tumble into (out of) bed匆匆地上(起)Words tumbled eagerly from his lips.他说话急急忙忙前言不搭后语. 7 <>(突然)明白,恍悟(to):tumble to sb.'s intention终于明白某人的意图 8 偶然发现,偶然寻找(into,upon):tumble upon a rare book偶然发现一部珍本
vt. 1 使摔倒;使落下;使倒翻:A sudden braking tumbled him down.急煞车使他摔倒了. 2 弄乱,搞乱(床单、衣服、头发等):tumbled hair凌乱的头发 3 使倒塌,使坍塌 4 使(价格等)暴跌;使(权力等)急遽下降;颠覆 5 使打滚,使翻滚 6 使(工作件、材料等)在滚筒里转动;使受滚筒作用:A clothes dryer works by tumbling the clothes.衣服干燥机是用滚筒滚转衣服使之干燥的. 7 射落(飞禽);击倒(野兔等)
n. 1 跌倒,摔倒;跌落:have a nasty (slight) tumble重重(轻轻)地跌一交 2 翻滚;翻筋斗:the tumble of the waves波涛滚滚take a number of tumbles翻几个筋斗 3 混乱;杂乱的一堆:be all in a tumble乱作一团 4 坍塌,倒塌 5 (价格等的)暴跌;(权力等的)急遽下降;倾覆:Company profits took a tumble last year.去年公司利润大幅度下降. 6 (表示感兴趣、喜爱等的)反应:She wouldn't give me a tumble.她对我毫无表示.




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