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trail[treil]n. 1 痕迹;足迹;臭迹;残迹:a rattlesnake trail in the sand沙地上响尾蛇爬过的痕迹The dogs followed the trail left by the fox.猎犬循着狐狸留下的臭迹追踪. 2 一串;一缕;一系列:a trail of smoke一缕烟leave a trail of trouble and difficulty behind留下一系列麻烦和困难 3 拖曳物,尾部;拖裾,裙裾;蔓;(炮架的)架尾:the trail of a meteor流星的尾迹Ivy has sent trails up the wall.常青藤顺着墙向上蔓延.an illness bringing debts in its trail招致累累债务的一场疾病 4 (荒野、山林中的)小径,(踩出的)小道:tortuous mountain trails曲折崎岖的山路a one-man trail只能容一人通过的小道 5 【军】持枪姿势;持枪口令:a soldier at (the) trail作持枪姿势的士兵 6 (电影或电视的)预告片;(广播等的)预告节目 vt. 1 循…的踪迹,跟踪;追猎:trail a suspect追踪嫌疑犯trail the beast to its lair追捕野兽直到兽穴 2 拖,曳;使跟在后面:trail a log up a slope拖木头上坡She trailed her skirt through the dust.她拖着长裙走过满是尘埃的地面.Don't trail mud into the house.别把污泥带进屋内.He came to see me and trailed a stranger.他来看我,还带了一个陌生人来. 3 拖长(讲话等)的时间 4 跟随;落后于:trail one's classmates落后于班上同学 5 <美>在…上踩出路;开出(路);标出(路) 6 【军】持(枪):Trail arms!(口令)持枪! 7 预告(节目) vi. 1 拖曳;拖着;下垂:Her long hair trailed over her shoulders.她长发披肩. 2 拖沓行走;慢走:trail along after sb.慢吞吞地跟在某人后头走 3 (缓慢地)飘出,流出:Smoke trailed from the chimney.烟从烟囱里飘出来. 4 伸展出;蔓生:roses trailing over the walls蔓生在墙上的玫瑰 5 (猎犬等)循迹追猎:spend days trailing over the desert花好几天在沙漠上追踪猎物 6 跟随;落后;输:trail in the election在选举中落后trail by 5 points比分落后5分 |