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reflect[ri'flekt]vt. 1 反射(光、热、声等);照出,映出:Mirrors reflect light.镜子能反射光线.This wall reflects heat waves.这墙壁能反射热.trees reflected in the water映在水中的树影shine with reflected light以反射光照耀(借别人光炫耀) 2 反映,表现:Does the literature of a nation reflect its manners and morals?一个民族的文学反映它的风尚道德吗?His tactics reflect his desire for power.他采用的手段反映出他的权力欲. 3 带给,招致(on,upon):reflect credit (discredit) upon sb.给某人带来荣誉(耻辱) 4 深思,考虑;想到;反省:reflect how to fulfil the task考虑怎样完成任务 5 [常用被动语态]反折,折叠 vi. 1 反射;映出:the light reflecting from the water由水中反射出的光clouds reflecting on the lake映在湖中的云彩 2 反射光(或热、声音等);映出形象:The brass plate can reflect.铜板能映出形象. 3 思考,考虑;沉思;反省(on,upon):reflect upon a problem思考一个问题reflect on what to do next考虑下一步怎么办 4 丢脸;责备,指摘;怀疑(on,upon):His arrogance only reflects upon himself.他的傲慢无礼只能使他自己出丑.reflect on sb.'s conduct in one's speech在讲话中指责某人的行为The investigation reflects on her character.调查(的结果)表明她的品格是有问题的. 5 有影响,有关系:The story reflected badly on Amity and worse on Brody.这传闻对艾密娣影响不好,对布劳迪影响更坏. |