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词汇 stroke¹
释义 stroke¹[strəuk]n. 1 打;击;敲:the stroke of a hammer锤击He split the log with one stroke of the axe.他一斧劈开了那木料.receive several strokes of the whip被鞭打几下 2 (划船、游泳的)一划;划法;泳式;尾桨手(座),领桨(座);(网球、板球等的)抽,击,打法:row a fast (slow) stroke(划船)划得快(慢)set the stroke定下每分钟划桨的次数swim with a fast stroke游得快invent a new stroke in cricket板球的一种创新打法 3 (写字、绘画的)一笔,一划;笔触;(写作的)笔调:dash off a picture with a few strokes几笔就画成一张画He writes with firm strokes.他笔力遒劲.end up the story with a clever stroke以巧妙的一笔结束故事You could do it with a stroke of the pen.你大笔一挥就行了. 4 (钟的)敲,鸣;敲鸣的钟点:on the stroke of three敲三点的时候He was here on the stroke.他准时到了这里. 5 突然来临;突来的一击,(雷电的)闪击;(病)突然发作;中风:a stroke of lightning闪电一击What a stroke of luck (misfortune)!真走运(倒霉)!a stroke of paralysis(或a paralytic stroke)突然瘫痪have a stroke中风 6 一举,一着,一次努力;努力成果:a stroke of genius天才之举a great stroke of diplomacy外交上重要的一着a good stroke of business一桩赚钱的买卖(或合算的交易)He has not done a stroke of work today.他今天没做一点事. 7 (心脏的)跳动;脉搏;(鸟翼的)扑打;(机件等的)往复运动;冲程,行程 8 斜线号,斜号(即""))
vt. 1 划短横于:stroke the t's写t时划短横 2 划线勾销,删掉(out):stroke out the superfluous words in the article划掉文章里的多余词语 3 当…的尾桨手,当…的领桨;为…确定划桨频率,确定划桨频率 4 击,抽(球)
vi. 1 (板球等中)击球 2 当尾桨手,当领桨(for);每分钟划桨(at)




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