释义 |
total['təutəl]adj. 1 总的,总括的,全部的:the total amount总额,总量the sum total总数the total industrial output value工业总产值the total expenditure全部费用 2 完全的;绝对的:a total failure彻底的失败total silence一片沉寂a total ranger一位素昧平生的人His surprise was total.他惊讶得呆若木鸡. 3 总体的;全面发动的:a war of total resistance全面抗战total diplomacy总体外交 n.总数,总额;合计;全部;总计:a total of ¥50人民币50元的总额a grand total总计 (total(l)ed;total(l)ing)vt. 1 计算…的总数;总数达:total all the expenditures计算全部支出The visitors totalled 8,000.来宾达8000人. 2 <美俚>把…完全毁掉:He totalled his new car while drunk.他酒醉驾车,把自己的新车撞得面目全非. vi. 1 合计,总计:The costs totalled up to ¥100.费用合计人民币100元. 2 <美俚>完全被毁:The car almost totalled in the crash.这辆车几乎被完全撞毁. adv.统统,完全 |