释义 |
late[leit]adj. 1 迟的,迟于规定(或预期)时间的:He is never late for work (school).他上班(上学)从不迟到.I was ten minutes late.我迟到了10分钟. 2 给迟到者的 3 晚的;晚于通常时间的;晚期的,末期的:at a late hour在很晚的时候in the late sixties 60年代后期late dinner晚正餐(别于中午吃的正餐)a late worker通常工作到很晚的人a late food store打烊很晚的食品店cater to (the needs of) late customers满足晚来顾客的需要late marriage晚婚the late rice晚稻 4 近日暮的;近深夜的:in the late afternoon在傍晚时 5 最近的:the late developments of science科学的新发展the late belligerents前不久的交战国 6 已故的;去世不久的:the late Mr.Stone已故的斯通先生 7 前任的;已卸任的 adv. 1 迟,迟于规定(或预期)时间:come to work early and leave off late早上工,迟下班 2 晚;晚于通常时间;在晚期:work late into the night工作至深夜late in autumn在深秋late in life在晚年 3 最近;不久前:I saw him as late as yesterday.我昨天还看见过他. |