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stop[stɒp](stopped;stopping)vt. 1 塞住;阻塞;堵塞;填塞:stop a wound止住伤口出血stop the blood止血stop a passage堵塞通道stop a (decayed) tooth补(蛀)牙stop a bottle with a cork用软木塞塞住瓶子 2 阻止,阻挡;拦住;难倒,使狼狈stop her (from) crying阻止她哭叫stop a blow挡开一击stop a letter扣住信件Stop thief!捉贼!The expert was stopped by the question.专家被这个问题难到了. 3 停止;中止,止住:Stop talking!停止讲话!She never stopped refusing.她总是拒绝.Stop it!住手!别干了!停下!I wonder what has stopped the clock.我不知道这钟是怎么停的.stop a machine使机器停止运转 4 击倒,击败;击毙;(拳击赛中)(技术)击倒;<俚>挨(枪子儿、刀等),受…杀伤:stop the last opponent in 3rd round在第三回合击倒最后一个对手stop the opposing team by a wide margin以悬殊比分打败对方球队stop a bird with a shot一枪打落飞鸟stop a bullet (spear) 中弹(枪) 5 断绝;止付;扣留:stop supplies断绝供应stop a cheque(或stop payment on a cheque)通知银行止付支票stop payment(银行等)宣告无力支付;(存户给银行的通知)止付已开出的支票All the expenses have been stopped out of my wages.一切费用已从我的工资中扣除. 6 <主英>给…加标点:a badly stopped letter标点错乱的信件 7 (为变化音量、音色)按(乐器的孔、弦);(按孔、弦)产生(音调) 8 按依限买卖指令买进(或卖出)(股票、证券) 9 (牌戏中)阻止对方连拿(某一花色牌张) 10 修剪(或掐断)(植物的)枝条 11 【海】系紧(船缆等) vi. 1 停止;中止,停下来:The rain has stopped.雨已停了.The motor stopped.马达停了.He stopped to talk with me.他停下来跟我谈话.(试比较:He stopped talking.他停止讲话.)The long gown stopped at his ankles.他的袍子长到脚踝. 2 踌躇:stop at no sacrifices不惜一切牺牲The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.贪心不足的老板只要有利可图无所不为. 3 逗留;顺便过访;<主英>留下:stop in bed不起床stop at a hotel住在旅馆里stop with a relative留在亲戚家里 4 被塞住(up):The sink stopped up.洗涤槽塞住了. 5 定神,费神:stop and listen专注地听I didn't stop to think where the money was coming from.我没有费神去想一想这钱是从哪里来的. 6 (牌戏中)止张 n. 1 停止;中止;终止;停车:The car made a brief stop to refuel.车子暂时停了一下以便加油.The car ran without a stop.车子一直开没有停过一次. 2 停车站;停留场所:a bus stop公共汽车站a request stop招呼(停车)站 3 逗留,停留:make an overnight stop逗留一宿 4 塞住;填塞;阻碍;障碍 5 阻塞(或堵塞、阻挡)物;塞子;限位器;掣子;止动器;挡块;定位器;棘爪;【海】掣索 6 <主英>标点(尤指句号):put in the stops加标点符号a full stop句号(美语中称period) 7 (电报中)句号代字;(诗句中表示语法单元结束的)停顿 8 【语】闭塞音;(发音时的)闭止 9 (乐器演奏时的)按孔,按弦;(按孔或弦产生的)音调变化;(吉他的)品;(管风琴的)音栓;(管乐器的)指孔 10 语气,语调:put on the sympathetic stop发出同情的调子 11 =stop order 12 【摄】光圈;光圈数(即f数)刻度 13 (牌戏的)止张(指阻止对方连拿某一花色牌张) 14 (动物鼻子与额头之间的)凹痕 15 (给银行的)止付通知 16 =stop thrust adj.停止的,用来使停止的,制动的:a stop signal停车信号a stop line(汽车)停车线 |