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词汇 beyond
释义 beyond[bi'jɒnd]prep. 1 [表示位置](或向)…的那边;远于:Beyond those hills there is a river.群山的那边有一条河.peak beyond peak of tea plantations重重茶林go beyond the mountains到山的那边去from beyond the seas来自海外 2 [表示时间]迟于:Some shops keep open beyond midnight.有些商店营业到半夜以后.beyond the visiting hours过了探望时间 3 [表示范围、限度]超出;非…所及:beyond this country's jurisdiction越出本国的管辖范围beyond compare无与伦比beyond power是某人力所不及的beyond praise夸不胜夸的 4 [常用于否定句和疑问句]除…以外:I know nothing of it beyond what he told me.除了他告诉我的以外,别的我都不知道.
adv. 1 在更远处;向更远处;再往后:look beyond往更远处看stretch as far as the horizon and beyond一直伸展到地平线以外 2 此外
n.[the beyond] 1 更远处:the back of beyond天涯海角 2 [常作the great beyond]来世;不可知的彼岸




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