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burn[bɜ:n](burnt或burned)vt. 1 烧,使燃烧(或着火);点燃(烛、灯等):burn gas (coal)烧煤气(煤) 2 烧毁;烧焦;烧伤;烫伤;烫痛:The building was burnt to the ground.大楼被全部焚毁.be severely burnt被严重烧伤Be careful not to burn your mouth.小心别烫痛嘴. 3 烧灼;烙 4 烧制;烧成:burn bricks烧砖burn a hole烧成一个洞 5 晒:a sun-burnt face晒黑了的脸 6 使(喉咙等)辣得难受:burn the tongue with pepper舌头被辣椒辣得发烧 7 激起…的愤怒(或欲望等) 8 <俚>用电刑处死 9 【化】使氧化;利用(铀等)的核能 10 激怒:What burnt him,after all?到底是什么激怒了他? 11 <俚>欺骗:Harry burnt Henry over that deal.在那件交易上哈里欺骗了亨利. vi. 1 燃烧;燃着:The charcoal is burning.炭在烧.The stove is burning.炉火在燃烧.All the lights were burning.灯全点着. 2 发热;放光:The patient was burning with fever.病人在发热.burn blue烧得发蓝光 3 烧毁;烧焦;烫伤;烫痛:The rice is burning.饭烧焦了. 4 晒黑 5 激动;激怒;渴望:burn with religious zeal充满宗教狂热 6 <俚>被电刑处死 n. 1 烧伤,灼伤;烧(或灼)伤处:a second-degree burn on the face面部二度灼伤 2 烙印 3 <美>(森林等中)烧成的空地 4 (火箭发动机的)飞行途中点火 |