释义 |
find[faind](found)vt. 1 找到;重新获得(失物等);获得(或重新获得)…的能力:I looked for the book for several days but haven't found it yet.这本书我找了好几天了,可是至今仍未找到.Will you find me a floppy(或find a floppy for me)?你替我找张软盘来好吗?find ways and means to overcome difficulties找到克服困难的各种方法find a missing file找到丢失的文件We found our sea legs.我们渐渐又习惯了船上的颠簸. 2 (偶然)发现,碰上;发觉;感到:If you find any mistake,please correct it.如发现有错,请你改正.He was found dead (dying).有人发现他已死了(奄奄一息).I found him in (out) when I called.我去看他时发现他正在(不在)家.You have to take it as you find it.对它你只得将就些算了.find it necessary to get a map感到必须搞到一张地图Do you find it pays(或to pay,或pay)?你认为这样做合算吗? 3 找出;查明:find who is to blame查明是谁的过错find the sum of several numbers求出几个数的和 4 得到,获得:find great satisfaction in ...在…中得到很大满足An unjust cause finds little support.失道寡助.find enough courage to do sth.获得足够的勇气去做某事find currency开始流通 5 发现…的存在:This precious mineral is found in many provinces.许多省都产这种贵重矿物. 6 裁决;作出(裁决):find sb. (not) guilty裁决某人有(或无)罪find a verdict作出裁决 7 (自然地)形成;达到:Rivers find their way to the sea.江河流入大海.The shell found its mark.炮弹击中目标.The blow found his chin.这一拳正好击中他的下巴. 8 供给,供应:find sb. in food and clothing供给某人衣食They are found in everything.他们什么东西都有人供给.We'll find room and board for you too.我们还将为你提供膳宿. 9 有能力支付:I can't find that amount of money.我付不起那么多的钱. vi.裁决,判决:find for (against) the plaintiff作出有利(不利)原告的裁决 n.发现;发现物(尤指猎物、矿藏等);被发觉有惊人能力的人:an important archaeological find考古学上的一项重要发现The young actress was the theatrical find of the year.这位年轻女演员是这一年戏剧界涌现的新秀. |