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词汇 turn²
释义 turn²[tɜ:n]vi. 1 转动;旋转;旋动,拧动:The wheels were turning swiftly.轮子飞快转动着.This tap won't turn.这龙头旋不动. 2 转向;转弯:The wind turned and the sky cleared.风转天晴.The road turns sharp right.路向右急转.The tide has turned.潮转了.(或:<>潮流变了.)The stock market turned sharply.股市大起大落. 3 (倾向、注意力等)转移;(想法、兴趣等)转变:She has turned to music.她转而搞起音乐来了.After a few minutes of general chat,he turned to more serious matters.随便聊几分钟以后,他开始谈及正题. 4 求教;求助:turn to a friend for help找朋友帮忙We often turn to this handbook for information on computers.我们常从这本手册查阅有关计算机的资料. 5 翻动;翻转:turn to page 84翻到第84页 6 被倒置,被颠倒;被弄乱 7 (精神上)发生错乱;发生迷乱 8 转身;翻身;转体:turn toward home转身回家He turned and walked away.他转身走开了.toss and turn in one's bed在床上翻来覆去He turned on his side and fell asleep.他侧过身子睡着了. 9 产生相反作用;(转而)反对(against);(转身)攻击(on,upon):turn against former friends转而同以前的朋友作对 10 改变信仰;皈依;变节;背离:turn from the Democrats脱离民主党 11 (刀口)卷起;变钝:The edge of the knife has turned.刀口钝了. 12 变化,改变;变化不定;变成:His hair has turned grey.他的头发白了.Her voice turned hoarse.她的声音哑了.Both sisters turned musician(s).姊妹两人都成了音乐家. 13 变坏,变质;变色;变酸:The leaves are turning.叶子正在变颜色.The milk has turned.牛奶变质了. 14 被加工成型;(被)车削;操作车床:a metal that turns easily容易车的金属 15 晕眩;作呕,恶心:My head (stomach) is turning.我头晕(恶心). 16 <>(商品)易转手,易销售:Shirts are turning well this week.这星期衬衫很易脱手. 17 取决于(on,upon):Everything turns on this last play of the game.一切都取决于比赛的这最后一拼了. 18 以…为中心,围绕(around,about,on,upon):The plot turns on a lost bracelet.故事情节是围绕一只失落的手镯展开的. 19 迎风换抢




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