释义 |
hit[hit](hit;hitting)vt. 1 打,打击;击中:hit sb. on the head打某人的头hit sb. a heavy blow给某人重重的一击hit the target(或mark)打中目标 2 碰撞;使碰撞:The truck hit a rock and tumbled over.卡车撞在一块岩石上,翻倒了.The child hit his forehead against the corner of a desk.孩子的额角撞在书桌角上.Hit the ground!卧倒! 3 <口>袭击;使遭受:That area was often hit by floods.那地区常发洪水. 4 <口>攻击;(精神上)打击;伤…的感情:be hard hit(感情)受到沉重打击,很伤心 5 <口>达到,到达;出现在;被刊登在:hit an all-time high (low)达到历史最高(最低)水平 6 <口>偶然碰上,遇上;找到:The ship hit fog on its voyage.船在航行时碰上了雾.They hit water at 30 metres.他们在三十米深的地方找到了水.hit a snag遇到意外困难 7 猜对;说中;被…想起:You have hit it!你猜对了!(或:你说中了!)Suddenly it hit me that ... 我突然想起… 8 投合,迎合:hit sb.'s fancy正合某人心意 9 (板球等中)得(分) 10 <口>走上:hit the right path走上正路 11 <美俚>沉溺于(喝酒等恶习):hit the bottle酗酒 12 <口><主美>向…要,要求:He hit me for a pound.他要求我给他一英镑. vi. 1 打,打击;击中;攻击:hit back in self-defence进行自卫还击hit hard at sb.狠击某人hitting accuracy命中率 2 碰撞(against) 3 偶然碰上,遇上;找到:hit upon(或on) an idea想出一个主意 4 (内燃机汽缸内)点火 n. 1 一击;击中:score a hit命中eight hits and two misses八次击中,两次未中 2 碰撞 3 讽刺;抨击;俏皮话:a hit at sb.对某人的讽刺That's a clever hit.这句话说得真妙. 4 好运气 5 风行一时的作品(或电影、歌曲、演出等);轰动一时的成功人物(或事物):The play was quite a hit in New York.该剧在纽约曾轰动一时.a hit tune流行曲调 6 (板球等的)得分 |